
Showing posts from April, 2024


 For my last and final blog I wanted to talk about the importance of mental health. I think mental health is a key aspect in our overall wellbeing. Our mental health affects how we think, feel, and act which impacts every part of our lives. Throughout the semester writing this blog has taught me so much about mental health and I am grateful I was able to share it. I think one of the most crucial things I've learned about mental health is the stigma around it. I think it's very important to help break that stigma. People should always feel comfortable asking for help and know that it is a strength not a weakness to ask. If we all work to break the stigma around mental health we can help build a more supportive and understanding environment for everyone. I talked about many different strategies to help maintain a good mental well being this semester. Though it was hard I picked my top 3. So my top 3 strategies for maintaining a good mental well being are: 1. Self care 2. Staying

Staying Connected

      Building strong relationships with others is a very important aspect of maintaining your mental health. Being a human means being an inherently social creature, and our connections with others play a key role in our emotional well being. In this blog I'm going to be talking about why staying connected is so important to our mental health.      First, a reason why staying connected is so important is because of the emotional support it provides. Having a consistent and strong support system means so much and I don't think people realize just how much friends and family can act as your therapy. It's crucial to have a safe space where you can express your feelings, fears, and concerns. Knowing that you have someone to turn to during challenging times is and can be really comforting in those moments.      Next, keeping connected with people can reduce your feelings of isolation. I think this one gets people the most because we get into the mindset of "I don't wan

Mental Health in the Workplace

In this blog I want to bring some light on mental health issues that can take place in the workplace. Starting off with the top two that occur the most in the workplace and those are anxiety and depression. First there are many things that can cause anxiety in a workplace setting from a bad day causing you to feel uneasy about the future of your job to your boss calling you in for a meeting. There are many things that the workplace can do to cause these such feelings like  Toxic culture, excessive demands, unhealthy pressures, or a poorly matched position .  Here are some ways to manage Anxiety in the workplace: 1. Plan ahead. 2. Break each task down into manageable chunks. 3. Give yourself realistic deadlines. 4. Ask for help. 5. Accept that you will experience some anxiety. 6. Take care of yourself. 7. Contact your GP or a mental health doctor. 8. Think about your past jobs to help you plan for the future. Next depression, which I  touch on a little in my previous blog "Post Gra

Managing Burnout

What is burnout?  Burnout is a state of complete mental, physical, and emotional exhaustion. I want to talk about burnout because I've seen it happen so much especially since I've been in college. Burnout has a huge impact on a persons mental health and that can been seen in multiple different ways. This can lead to depression, anxiety, and multiple other mental health issues. Where I've seen it effecting people the most is through affecting relationships and social life.  Some ways you can tell if you are burnt out are if you: Start feeling drained Not feel able to cope with things Not being able to sleep Be sad, angry, irritable, or not care Use more alcohol or other substances More likely to get sick etc. These are just a few ways you can tell if you are experiencing burnout. If you start to experience burnout if it's in a work setting take you annual leave. Go on vacation or just get away to free your mind from work. If it's in another aspect like for me at one