Managing Burnout

What is burnout? 

Burnout is a state of complete mental, physical, and emotional exhaustion.

I want to talk about burnout because I've seen it happen so much especially since I've been in college. Burnout has a huge impact on a persons mental health and that can been seen in multiple different ways. This can lead to depression, anxiety, and multiple other mental health issues. Where I've seen it effecting people the most is through affecting relationships and social life. 

Some ways you can tell if you are burnt out are if you:

  1. Start feeling drained
  2. Not feel able to cope with things
  3. Not being able to sleep
  4. Be sad, angry, irritable, or not care
  5. Use more alcohol or other substances
  6. More likely to get sick etc.
These are just a few ways you can tell if you are experiencing burnout. If you start to experience burnout if it's in a work setting take you annual leave. Go on vacation or just get away to free your mind from work. If it's in another aspect like for me at one point throughout my basketball season I started to feel burntout. The best thing to do is to just take a break and if you can't, at a point when you aren't doing what makes you feel burnt out enjoy that time. Do something you really enjoy doing whether it's a hobby, hanging with friends or playing a sport. 

I really wanted to talk about burnout this week In my blog because currently I experiencing it when it comes to school and school work. I think the last four years is really catching up to me and I have little to not motivation to do my work but I HAVE to graduate. So whenever i'm not doing homework or when Im not in class im super present in whatever that may be so I can be focused when doing my work.


  1. I understand that managing burnout can be quite difficult, particularly when balancing other responsibilities and education. Feeling this way is quite common, especially in the midst of the hard expectations of college. It's admirable that you're making an effort to maintain awareness and concentration in spite of your lack of drive. Keep in mind that it's okay to prioritize self-care and take pauses. Keep going ISIS!!!!


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