Put yourself first

 Self care is a major part of maintaining good healthy habits. Not only is self care a major part of having good healthy habits but also good mental health habits to be more specific. I feel like people have to work so so much just to get to a place where they feel somewhat ok. This leaves little to no room for things that are good for the mental because you enjoy doing them. 

Self care is an important aspect in maintaining a positive headspace. Knowing when is probably the most important key to this. Having the self awareness to know when you're burnt out or need a break is really key. Thats why it's also good to have little check ins with yourself. Asking yourself questions like, "when is the last time I did something just because I enjoy it" or "How can I benefit more in the future from taking time to myself now".

Taking time for yourself and doing something you really enjoy can mean a bunch of different things for different people. That can even include working while doing something you like to do. For me I really enjoy drinking coffee, so to give myself a little break throughout the day, I go to the coffee shop to do homework. This allows you to get somewhat of a mental break while, still doing work.


  1. Some people think of self care as being too girly or just for girls, but it just a term to take care of yourself. More people need to take time even just an hour each day to re-wind and get there thoughts together. This year I started to prioritize my Monday's as a self care day where I will do a spa night, journaling, and watching a comfort movie and show. This helps my mental state a lot to be able to calm down form the week/weekend before and plan out what needs to be done for the week ahead.

  2. I have been really trying to focus on self care this semester, espescially being in my last semester of senior year. There's a lot to do and it's super overwhelming. I have found that if I take some time to simply sit down and watch my favorite show, it helps me destress a lot.


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