The Stigma

    What is stigma? Stigma is a mark of disgrace associated with a particular circumstance, quality, or person. This is a huge part of mental health and is a what goes through peoples minds when they don't want to speak up about how they are feeling. 

     I want to touch on the negative impact the stigma of mental health has on people. Being a black woman I've seen how the Black community acts towards mental health issues. Especially when it comes to black men, they are often told they are being too soft or what they are saying isn't that deep. This is common amongst most men regardless of color or race, they don't want to appear weak. It can be very lonely when you have no one to talk to about how you feel because you don't want to appear "soft".

    This then leads to self isolation, which will then affect that individuals future relationships. When a person never talks to anyone about how they are feeling, it starts to come out in other ways. This can lead to infidelity in relationships and just an overall feeling that that person just won't open up. 

    Thats why it's so important for everyone to make others feel comfortable enough to get help. I think we as people need to normalize therapy. Everyone could benefit from it even if it's just one session or a couple months at a time. Being able to get an unbiased opinion or just to have someone hear you out can save a life. 

    In order for the stigma around mental health to start to lift we need to start educating people. Spreading awareness even more about therapy and how it's okay to talk to someone. Also teaching to our kids boys and girls thats it's okay to express how they are feeling. 

    In my next blog I'm going to talk a little about being my experiences as student athlete and what I've seen in regards to mental health. Mental health is a huge topic right now for student athletes. There is a lot we go through on a daily as college students alone and with athletics that adds a whole other aspect...


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