Post Graduation Depression

 Im going to switch it up a little for this weeks blog and tell a little story about one of my best friends. The topic for the story today is Post Gradation Depression. I feel this is such an important topic because of the time most of us are in life right now, which is about to graduate this year or next year. Post-graduation depression is described as depressive symptoms that occur after a person finishes college or university. Although it is not a medically recognized term, it is an experience many young adults may relate to. After many years of education, people may find adjusting to life after university challenging.

So my friend after college had a job set up in Indianapolis and she was coming from Washington D.C. where she went to college at Howard University. So already going from DC to Indianapolis was going to be a huge culture shock. Coming from  a Historically Black College/University was going to be different to living in Carmel Indiana outside of Indianapolis.

My friend would always talk about how at school everything would be set up for her. Where she would live, what she would do (like go to class), and even who she would be around. When I say who she would be around she struggled when it came to being alone so much more. She was in a brand new town with no friends, and only people she met through work. She told me she really had to consider and thin about who she was without being around her people all the time.

But on the other hand, she got through it. She was sad all the time and eventually ended up going to a therapist to help work with some of her issues. She told me that sitting back and thinking about her support system really helped her. She realized she had people she could call and people that loved and cared about her even though they weren't always around. She eventually even started to make friends with her work friends and they had friends she met.

So the moral of the story is how we deal with the change is what matters. It's ok to talk to someone if you are struggling. Normalizing being sad all the time isn't normal and isn't a way anyone should be living. I hope everyone reading this feels a little more inspired to talk to someone if they start feeling similarly to my friend after they graduate. Thanks for reading!!


  1. The transition to being a full time employee is absolutely a challenge. There is far less structure, and so you have to make your own. It's really good to talk about it in forums like this, so that people know their feelings are normal.


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