Coping part 2

 Learning how to cope with mental health issues is a huge part of our everyday lives. In my last blog I mentioned some ways to cope with mental health but there are so many more that I need to bring to light.  Last blog I talked about some ways to cope like seeking support, self care, and establishing boundaries. 

A way to cope with mental health is learning how to manage your stress. This is something that is learned over time and it takes some bad experiences to get a real gage on this. When you know how to manage your stress you start to avoid things that are going to trigger you. This is just coming to really getting to know yourself and what you can handle.

Another way to cope is to start a new hobby. Do something that you are actually interested in to get your mind off everything. I think a way that I cope with things is just allowing myself to really focus in on basketball, it's my escape from a lot of things. All my focus and attention gets locked into the game and it's a very freeing feeling. 

Finally, establishing a routine can create a type of comfort. When I get most stressed out is when things are constantly changing. When I can get into a routine I feel like I'm at my best. I feel like other people could benefit from getting into a routine as well. 


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